Full Track of Trading Activity Is Now Available In Brokerage Report Section on HitBTC

Tracking trading activities is a vital tool for both novice and experienced traders. Successful traders have a disciplined method of tracking their activities. Unsuccessful traders know, that they should track and analyse their performance… but they don’t. The main reason for tracking trading results is to know exactly what works and what doesn’t. But how can your trading platform facilitate this routine process?

Today HitBTC announces a useful feature for all types of traders regardless of their skills – a brand new brokerage report section. Now every HitBTC customer can easily track all his/her activities on HitBTC for a period of time by simply generating a report, which includes opening/closing balances for all instruments (with Net Asset Value in chosen currency), put orders for open and close dates, daily trades and transactions by instrument, and two performance reports (Total trading volume and Profit and Loss statement). All reports can be downloaded in .xls or .pdf for further analysis (coming soon).

Brokerage reports on HitBTC are designed to answer three main questions a successful trader must ask himself at least once a week:

  1. What instruments were traded and when?
  2. What was the Profit and Loss?
  3. What was the outcome of the trades?*

 *Hint for novices:

Download your monthly trading history and put two comments to EVERY transaction made: “Why did I do that?” and “Was it a right decision?”. Reflect a while upon your results. Now you understand the possible shortfalls in your approach and able adjust them. Repeat weekly. Using a more descriptive approach will help you analyse not only the trades themselves, but also how you acted before, during and after the trade.

Of course, there is no best way to keep trading records. That is why HitBTC focuses on providing the possibility for every trader to easily access trading data in a user-friendly manner.

Main features include:

  • All trading activities inluding all accounts and instruments can be easily tracked within one click
  • Key indicators may be calculated in any currency (both fiat and digital), available on HitBTC
  • Fast access from any HitBTC page till you are signed in
  • One click report downloading in .xls or .pdf format (coming soon)

HitBTC team reminds you that we highly appreciate user feedback, so if you have any comments or ideas how to make new brokerage report section even better, do not hesitate to contact our support team or share your thoughts on HitBTC official forum.